Originally Posted by kcab
*snort* I'm just struck by the fact that it's mostly INTJ's discussing Myers-Briggs.

Me, I like things open. And complex and new and I inhale data. Once something is settled, or I know how it's going to be settled, then it is dead, dead, dead. Dead and over, until new data comes along and changes the picture.

Ok, I can't wait to read this thread in full, but for now all I can do is say - Oh yes, I'm an ENTP, with T/F being quite near the middle, the rest of the scores being about as extreame as one could imagine. I totally agree that only open questions are alive. My DH is an ISFJ, with his SFJ being somewhat near the border.

Lately I've been wishing for a more nuanced designations. I for example am Highly F and Highly T. A person might be near the middle because there aren't much N or S. Even with my 'super P' I'm developing a nice strong J side, thanks to Flylady. I mean, my J is probably stronger than most 60% of the J's out there, as I'm learning to take some pleasure/pride in task completion.

Well, not sure if that make any sense. I have read that the idea is that all of us are developing all our qualities throughout our lives, but that we will always have our 'natural' tendencies.


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