So, just another quick update. I, honestly, don't know how much of this is a placebo effect, but dd continues to be doing much better in terms of academic consistency. I just got an e-mail from her math/reading teacher inquiring as to what I did to her and saying that I should market it. She got the second highest grade in the class on the most recent math test (missed the top score by a point) smile .

Dh is also now the one working with her on math studying although he hates math and has some serious mental block about it. It is much less efficient than my helping her b/c he comes to me to ask questions and then goes back to help her, but they scream at one another less.

eta: If I had to guess, I'd say that the things that are helping the most are the caffeine she's drinking in her tea daily, the gum chewing, and studying more with dh's help.

Last edited by Cricket2; 04/18/11 06:25 AM.