Nik, you asked whether it's possible to have Asperger's and ADHD. Yes, it's possible to have several co-occurring disorders at once. If it goes in this direction for your DD, you might want to chat with some parents on OASIS ( )-- there are several with dual-diagnosed AS/ADHD kids.


Originally Posted by aculady
Edit: On the ADD/Asperger's issue - my Asperger's son scores very high on ADD and ADHD scales, but the psychologist who evaluated him believes that, from what she saw during his evaluation, his attention is not actually impaired, and these symptoms are more indicative of executive function issues stemming from his Asperger's than of ADD. This might be something to discuss.

Mine meets this general description to some extent. He does have focus and attention issues (both too much and too little), and ADHD meds do help with these, but the anxiety of Asperger's is equally important to treat to keep him functioning. (DS once had a teacher who swore that he had ADHD... but he doesn't carry that diagnosis, as his attention issues are a part of his AS.)
