Originally Posted by aculady
1000 mg of Omega-3 is not a lot - it's about the amount in a 3 oz serving of Atlantic salmon. If you routinely supplement over 3000 mg/day, there can be an increased risk of bleeding, but it is unlikely that you are going to exceed that amount from dietary sources, unless you eat herring three meals a day.

Edit: On the ADD/Asperger's issue - my Asperger's son scores very high on ADD and ADHD scales, but the psychologist who evaluated him believes that, from what she saw during his evaluation, his attention is not actually impaired, and these symptoms are more indicative of executive function issues stemming from his Asperger's than of ADD. This might be something to discuss.

Thanks acculady, I do love herring, but not that much lol. We are supposed to see a Psychologist soon for part 2 of her evaluation, I am glad to know that ADHD signs don't necessarily mean she doesn't have Aspergers, I will see what the Psych says and ask about it. It will be good to have more than one professional weigh in on the matter.

I am also glad to know that the omega 3 will help whether its ADD, AS or just plain being too gifted for her own good! We had salmon burgers last night, will have smoked salmon with cream cheese bagels tomorrow night and grilled salmon Sunday. Yippee, I am using this all to indulge myself YUM!

So if the chicken is fed flax seeds and its eggs hatch, will the chicks be smarter? ;-)