Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
Not to mention there are 2 grams of sugar in each - 8 grams in a serving of 4, so that would be 64 grams of sugar a day. By way of comparison is about as much sugar as in an entire pint of ice cream or a whole stack of cookies. Crazy!
OMG! I didn't even think about that! Yikes, thanks for pointing it out to me...my DD is cracking about me and my "healthy" alternative meds for her...the last one was local honey for allergies, now candy and smoked salmon for ADHD, she's on board all the way lol!
I found our local health food store carries the lemon nordic naturals, I am going to pick up a bottle today, thanks! I guess I'll just treat the disney gummies like the candy that they are, at least its a treat with the added plus of some nutrition!