Is this your only school choice? We are allowed to "choice" our children to other schools where I live if they have openings.

When my oldest was a 3rd grader, we were considering a grade skip b/c she was being subject accelerated to 4th grade for part of the day anyway and was in the 99th percentile on pretty much everything. She also fit better in the 4th grade class. We put together a whole packet of info for the school including IQ test scores, achievement test scores (both theirs and private), a letter of support from a psych dd had seen, info from a Nation Deceived, and support from both her 3rd grade teacher and the 4th grade teacher whose class she was in for part of the day. The principal had a personal opposition to grade skipping and insisted that nothing we provided mattered b/c it was always a disaster in her personal experience.

We wound up changing schools the next year for a variety of reasons and she entered 4th grade. She learned very little that year and we were approached toward the end of 4th grade by the school suggesting that she skip a grade. She skipped 5th, entering middle school a year early, and we've seen none of the disasterous outcomes the principal of the prior school suggested. She'll be in 9th grade next year and it's been the right thing for her.

Point being -- can you ascertain if they are just philosophically opposed to grade skipping and going to throw barriers in your way no matter what you come in with? If so, I really might consider a switch of schools if possible. Also, is there anyone there who understands IQ scores well? I had a conversation w/ the GT coordinator of our neighborhood school a while back when we were considering switching my younger dd there and she totally didn't know what the #s or percentiles meant. She felt that she had a lot of kids in her GT program with IQ scores in the upper 140s or above the 99th percentile. (They don't IQ test in the schools.) I found that highly unlikely and her understanding of what scores meant to make it unlikely that she'd understand the differences btwn MG, HG, and high achieving but not gifted.