Our DS (now 7) was tested on the WPPSI three weeks before he turned six. As far as I know, the "ages" must be adhered to in order for the results to be valid. My son scored 147 Verbal and 148 Perceptual Reasoning, so it is possible for higher scores to be achieved the closer they get to the top of the age range. The doctor told us that he did a few tests from the Weschler 6 and up afterward on his own (not added into his score), and the results were consistent. I think he may have been looking for possible ceiling effects.

I have been reading on the board where the WPPSI scores can be inflated, so I'm curious to know how he would have scored on the Weschler for 6 and up had he been eligible to take that version. We were traveling internationally, so time was of the essence for us.

Last edited by venture; 04/17/11 03:05 PM.