Okay, this is TOTALLY off-topic here...

I'm just so incredibly amused that the title that is showing up in my browser next to the forum name as

"Struggling with Psycho-"

I just keep having it catch my eye, and thinking... Wow.
Hitchcock fans, perhaps?

Or was there an intruder?? (How frightening!)

At any rate, it intrigues me. I keep coming back to look, which probably means that I have the working memory of a gnat, since I've looked at the thread several times within the board, where it shows up with the longer, (though much less titillating) title.

Okay. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

I can't offer any insights I fear, since DD has always been more like an Engergizer bunny that sort of 'meditates' through the day with occasional verbal outbursts. She's busy-busy-busy, but not kinesthetic/tactile about it. The verbal stuff is hard on me, since I have an auditory OE and I have trouble with her chatter-chatter-chatter. Our compromise there (like Polly, we've had to do that too) is that she has to understand that I can't take more than about twenty minutes at a time of that, and then I need quiet for at least half an hour.

I don't have a wiggly, dancing, climbing bear, though.

I hear that some kids like this REALLY like correctly sized hippity-hop or exercise balls that allow them to sort of wiggle/bounce/roll around and burn it off constantly.

"Squishy" stress balls are another idea.

Good luck!

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.