My dd8 is a kind, interested and caring child and struggles with psychomotor overexcitability. Or should I say, she's fine with it, and I struggle smile She has such boundless physical energy from the second she wakes up in the morning and always wakes up early. She is in constant movement. One would wonder if she's paying attention but when you query her, she's very much on task. She never stops verbally questioning and working out the right and wrong of things. She wants to know great details bout morals and ethics and is extremely black/white. It's almost like she comforts herself with verbal information and gives and needs it urgently. It is exhausting. This Momma needs a break.

She also has speech articulation challenges and poor handwriting. It's almost as if her brain is going so fast that her hands can't keep up. I have her in speech and OT privately. She'll start swim team again next month and is also taking piano and chess. I'm trying to transfer her into a GATE magnet for next year pending testing results. Her current school is not a good fit for her and she's terribly bored and frequently won't pay attention to detail unless she can personalize the topic. She'll compute complex mathematical problems in her head and resist writing her work out.

She's such an amazing kid, a champion of causes and the environment and she really stands up for other kids and what's right. She's just so on all the time. It's a lot and I know her best friend's parents struggle with her energy at playdates. I try to get her to be conscious of how her motor is running and use that language to bring her down, but she loves her energy and resists calming down. It's a problem for her only as it effects those adults dealing with her who interpret it to be something else and get annoyed. It's a problem as it deals with her Dad & I as sometimes we just need some quiet space between words and movement.

I'm hoping that a better school fit will help next year as long as we can get her in. But I'm just struggling. I don't want to be frustrated with her. She's not doing anything wrong. I just don't know how to harness and channel it best and it's kicking my butt lately. Any suggestions?