My DD7 is exactly like this and her ambitious projects evaporate, like her Christmas boutique store two years ago called "Bells Rock" for which she distributed "coming soon" flyers around the neighborhood. Bouts of mild panic struck her as the day approached and she lacked inventory, but the day came and went with no tears or major regrets.

So what is the proper time to unleash my inner Tiger Father and force/aid her into finishing such projects after the bubbles of inspiration have been popped by the prickly details, leaving only the prospect of hard work?

As some of the other posters mentioned, I too could have used strong arms to help me conquer and tame my perfectionism and do the necessary hard work. Instead I was told how talented I was and how much potential I had, and given free reign to plan and dream away with the assumption that one day when I was "ready" I would magically awake from the spell, lift myself up by my bootstraps, and accomplish everything of which I was capable. That Hollywood ending, naturally, did not happen.