DD is 7, MG, and does very well with schoolwork/grades. IOW, she is not spacey in her school environment. However, at home, she is forever starting big projects and not finishing them. So far this month she has started creating/writing a field guide to birds, a play/musical, and a card-based guessing game about birds. All seem to be abandoned except maybe the card game. She has started writing probably 20+ books, none of which have been finished. She also is usually reading about 10 library books at a time, but finishes maybe 1 out of 5 before they are due back.

I'm not worried about this per se, but I do wonder if we should encourage her more or just let it go without comment. As I say, she doesn't have trouble finishing schoolwork or homework. I can't tell if she abandons due to lack of interest or frustration/perfectionism...seems to be a bit of both. She is also scattered/disorganized with personal belongings, though not to an extreme. The library book thing may partly be because she is overwhelmed by the towering stacks of books on her bedside table and physically loses track. I have considered limiting the # of books she checks out, but that just seems wrong.

This is common for creative GT kids, yes?

ETA that this post makes her sound a little ADDish, but I really don't think she is--not a concern for me.

Last edited by ultramarina; 03/07/11 09:40 AM.