Originally Posted by minniemarx
Dear HK,

In re: Greek, do you know textkit? (www.textkit.com) It's a wonderful forum, full of keen people self-studying Latin and Greek (and some of them are also doing wild and wacky things like Old Irish and Old Church Slavonic...). They are super-helpful (and very knowledgeable--there are several Classics profs there, too); there are lots of free downloadable textbooks there as well. They occasionally run study groups where a bunch of people work through a book together, with weekly assignments and so on. You mentioned Homer--one of the freebies there is Clyde Pharr's Intro to Homeric Greek book (works through Book I of the Iliad as you learn the language).

There are links to tons more free downloads available here:


There are more study groups here:


There is just so much terrific (and free!) stuff out there for learning classical languages--she might find this just the ticket for a mind-expanding, really worthwhile exercise.

Good luck to you both!


WOW-- thank you so much!

This is terrific. Exactly what I was looking for. She's at least excited about the Mango program, and it suits her learning style pretty much perfectly (she's an auditory/vocal + visual learner)... but assuming that she retains the interest for a few weeks (you know, once it requires actual effort) I'm going to need additional resources for her. The Iliad as a learning tool-- genius.

A friend of mine (fluent in several Greek dialects) already said some of the very same things (as posts above do) to me about dialect and such. She also has an EG child just a bit older than my own who has been learning Greek off and on. She did say that she thought self-study might be pretty tough in Hellenic Greek given my complete and total lack of background. On the other hand, I can 'read' Greek phonetically just fine. (Thank you, Science and Mathematics... I know what rho looks like and I know what it says. LOL)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.