Dear HK,

In re: Greek, do you know textkit? ( It's a wonderful forum, full of keen people self-studying Latin and Greek (and some of them are also doing wild and wacky things like Old Irish and Old Church Slavonic...). They are super-helpful (and very knowledgeable--there are several Classics profs there, too); there are lots of free downloadable textbooks there as well. They occasionally run study groups where a bunch of people work through a book together, with weekly assignments and so on. You mentioned Homer--one of the freebies there is Clyde Pharr's Intro to Homeric Greek book (works through Book I of the Iliad as you learn the language).

There are links to tons more free downloads available here:

There are more study groups here:

There is just so much terrific (and free!) stuff out there for learning classical languages--she might find this just the ticket for a mind-expanding, really worthwhile exercise.

Good luck to you both!
