Here's a recent website I saw with a good description or severe ELD, and mild. I would never try to diagnose anyone's kids; but I am always trying to find new info on my son's stuff.

Here's a separate one:
Read "Symptoms:"

This isn't just for you Kriston; I feel almost obligated to pass on the info as I find it, because when I first started looking into ELD 3 years ago, there was nothing out there and I felt helpless. And finally, there is even info about older kids with it as they progress...thankfully.:)

My DS also has an amazing long term and working memory. And he does better when I repeat things as well; but I think that is because my DS just isn't focused on the question when it is delivered. But sometimes he just misses a portion of the question because he hyper-focuses on a part of it. He also has/had problems with several step commands initially, i.e. "Draw a red star under the tree and a pink bow next to the bear." This is something his SLP works on with him. "He would ask what color bow?" and get the rest correct. This has progressed a lot from the beginning. It absolutely would not have, if he wasn't homeschooled. It does need practice. I no longer doubt the hs decision.:)

I believe strongly from what I am learning about the vestibular system lately that coping mechanisms are a huge part of what these kids do to deal with their issues. They are wonderful, amazing, resilient little kids; but if they don't get help to straighten things out, it will not just wash out on its own (as someone said to me recently-for which I bit my lip). Things will get more difficult. This is absolutely not directed to you, Kriston. You know that I believe that you are so awesome for helping your kids!!! I am currently on my soapbox...and getting off.:O) Good night.

Mom to DS6