I'm glad you're getting some answers, too, Mom0405!

Yes, we discussed ELD before. The specialist didn't give me any sort of diagnosis yet. Nothing. Not a glimmer. We were late getting out of there, too, so I didn't push a whole lot. She is writing up a report, and I hope that will tell me more. There's also more evaluations to go with other experts. They're working on getting a whole picture of what's happening, which I appreciate. Under the circumstances, I think that's what we need to do.

I hadn't really noticed how much trouble he had answering questions--any sort of questions!--about a story until I saw him today with the specialist. I don't think I have ever given him T/F questions unless he has read the story himself, and then he usually reads aloud to me because it seems to help his comprehension a great deal. I don't know that we've tried my reading to him and answering T/F questions very much.

I think he is also used to the way I read to him, so he is better at answering for me in general. I noticed when we were in the office of the developmental pediatrician for our initial intake meeting earlier in the month that DS6 kept looking to me when the doctor asked him a question. I don't think he was being shy, which is how it sometimes seemed to me in the past when he didn't answer questions without looking at me first. I realized that he was looking to me to ask the question again so he could understand it and produce an answer.

I don't know if the doctor caught it, but I did, and it's starting to fit into a clear pattern.

I'm not sure what diagnosis will come from the pattern, but there's a pattern!
