Hi Kriston,

Glad all is well.

I have pretty bad tip-of-the-tongue... took a famous people recognition test once and scored a painful 32% (despite recognizing most of them I can not drag out the names). And crosswords, forget it. That's word retrieval difficulty. Separate from memory. Doesn't get in the way too much unless I'm trying to teach people anything technical -- so I stay away from teaching. It's also separate from recognition memory (multiple choice tests are no problem for me).

And then I have a very bright 11 year old nephew who can take 5 minutes to tell you a simple two sentence story, takes so much patience to listen to him talk around what he's trying to say. But once in a while it flows out and all of a sudden he sounds glib, usually those easy moments are off-the-cuff moments when he says something without thinking about it, a rude comment to his brother for example. I call his issue stammering, you just don't hear him stammer because it happens higher up before he starts a sentence. He consistently writes me completely easy reading letters with complex thoughts -- almost like the act of writing helps him organize his output.

How does your DS do with true false questions about a story you've read him? Ie is he understanding the story but just can't tell you the storyline? Or is he also having trouble understanding?

Either way it will be interesting to see when your DS is comfortable writing or typing how he comes out in print.
