I don't think I can add anything else to the excellent replies, just to say that DS11 is approaching high school and we are considering homeschooling. IMHO most of the stress at home stems from school - whether bullying issues, boredom, lack of recognition - and these too are hard to cope with (maybe harder as you have very little control or input when "the professionals" are involved).

As an aside we have extensivley used videos/DVDs and CDs to engender interest and for our boy they seem to work. it is amazing what he can pick up when a C is playing and he is just messing about with his plasticine or toys.

At an earlier time when they were trying to pin some disorder or other on him we tried Omega 6 and they certainly helped calm him down so he could settle on something.

Little tyke still won't pick up a (non-factual) book tho! smile

best of luck!

Last edited by Raddy; 02/04/11 03:54 AM.