First of all, huge virtual hugs, Bronxmom!

I can hear how frustrated you are. Can you find a way to take a break, get some peace and quiet for an hour or two, and then try to come up with alternative solutions? We all need some space to restore ourselves once in a while.

I haven't had the opportunity to homeschool my boys, but I can imagine that it would be a handful. It sounds like maybe you both need a break. Is it possible to put your DS in a different school situation? Maybe a different school? Or the same one with a grade skip, if that is what's needed? Or maybe back in the old situation is better than homeschooling for you guys?

The good thing is that it is definitely changeable -- you can send your DS back to school if that's what you think is best for you, him and your family.

What kind of help are you looking for from DYS? Have you asked for their help in working with a school in your area to find appropriate accommodations for your DS?

I don't know that I've offered any real help, but I'm sending good thoughts your way. Remember that you have made choices in the best interest of your child. You tried something in hopes it would be better. You've realized it's not working, and that's OK. Now it's time to see if you need to try something different that might work better.

Again, HUGS!