This is something I feel quite strongly about. I read a lot on Montessori and it fits in nicely with my natural inclination towards benign neglect.

But even though I feel strongly about it and very much try to make my children as capable as I can, I still find myself slipping and doing things myself because it's quicker and easier. My three year old still makes me pour drinks for him, when DD was self-sufficient for drinks at his age. I think I need to have smaller containers in the fridge so they're not heavy.

It's not a common philosophy, though. At preschool people are still pouring drinks at snack time for FOUR year olds!

Originally Posted by JJsMom
Guilty!!! And we were also discussing these things this weekend... DC can't fold exactly like I like clothes to be folded (or hung), but they know where the tshirt drawer is and how to match up their socks! Yet I do it for them.

Me too! I'm so picky about how things are placed in the drawers, but I need to let that go if I'm going to teach my kids how to be competent self assured adults and not end up as the mother who's calling the law firm to find out why my kid didn't get the job..

Last edited by Tallulah; 01/25/11 09:07 AM.