kind of late to the party with this conversation but I had to chime in. I have two groups of mom friends ones who have 18 to 29 year olds and ones who have 5 & 8 yr olds, because I have an older dd and two younger ones.

I have to tell you the problem just isn't in high school age it's also in the 18-29 yr old group. I'm one of those guilty parents, when my oldest was a child being that she was my first and if you remember in the 80's our coulture was changing it's views on what a child could do by themselves, trick or treating was out because of the weirdos who were putting things in the candy, no walking to school by themselves because of the weirdos who would steal your kid, ect... I hovered over her trying to be the best parent I could but age and wisdom had not set it yet so I created a child who can't do for herself, not making that mistake with the younger ones.

With the older one now 26 I finally just had to say, it's your life your responsable for it, I love you but I'm your mother not your keeper.

Speaking with my other mom friends in this age group their all having the same problem, their children have no work ethics and exspect mommy to take care of them. Like me they are all trying to cut the cord...