Originally Posted by aculady
I'd also agree that often people don't understand what the data do and don't tell them. I have had two of our local district's school psychologists who had my 7th grade son's 31 Reading and 23 Science ACT scores sitting in front of them tell me that he clearly wasn't gifted because his FSIQ of 107 and GAI of 120 on the WISC didn't support such a finding, ignoring the fact that his subtest scores ranged from 19 to 2, and that his VCI was a 134.
We've had a similar experience. When we were looking at dd12 skipping 5th grade (at the school's suggestion), we had multiple meetings with the school and the district GT coordinator (different one this time). The district coordinator looked @ dd's IQ & achievement scores and told me that she "really only has this one score that indicates she is gifted" (the 99.9th+ on part of the PRI). For some reason the other scores in the 98th & 99th on IQ as well as almost all of her achievement scores (reading, composite, writing, social studies, science...) on ITBS, MAPS, SRI lexile, and other achievement scores being in the 99th percentile meant nothing to her confused. The school GT coordinator did look at her like she was out of her mind, though -- lol!