I'm not familiar with this particular test, but she did get placed into the gifted program. Is it much of a program? Is it likely to meet her educational needs? Is it limited to 90 minutes/week?

If there is a chance that it will meet her needs then I don't think private testing is needed. You may want to read '5 levels of Giftedness' by Dr. Deb Ruf and see if you think the testing the school did 'paints an accurate picture' of what you are seeing at home.

As for the 'what's missing' score - in every IQ tests there are subtests that are less highly correlatable with intelligence. So if 'what's missing' is one of those then you don't have to worry (at all) about it as long as it's within range of normal. It's not unusual for a kid to do much much worse in one or two sections. If you are seeing something in real life that seems related, then it's ok to explore more. I wouldn't re-evaluate your view of your child's intelligence based on any IQ score. If you see it, it's real, even if the test doesn't show it.

Love and More Love,

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