Thanks bh14 (I think...! Doesn't sound promising long term). Heartbreakingly sweet re the dog.

What you have described is exactly what dd has been experiencing. She was terribly worried about her toys when the fire thing was the main issue (much more so than worrying about herself). Today's terrors have included (but were not limited to) eating carrot while jumping up and down and eating green potato (she's worried she'll forget not to do each of these things and will choke/get poisoned).

bh14 - I am curious how your dd goes at school? As mentioned, dd starts school in a couple of weeks. She's going straight in to grade one. I have to admit I am worried that she is going to have these break downs and they're going to say she's emotionally immature - which is definitely not the case. Just desperately emotionally sensitive. I guess I particularly worry about her responses to school yard myths - all those things kids have mis-heard and/or try to scare each other with.

Sigh... have been doing a bit of reading on it. Sounds like we're in it for the long haul. Don't feel like I am dealing with it well and hoping I find a groove with it soon.

Thanks again.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke