Originally Posted by Verona
To come home from a day at work and find so many supportive and helpful messages on this thread (as well as the other less fraught thread on subtest scores) is like the best Christmas present ever.
Yup - it's like that for me too! It's so strange to me, even after these last 6 years to hear that people feel like I understand them when I speak. For the first 42 years I mostly got blank stares and the unspoken message that when I speak folks feel pain mostly. LOL. Ok I'm exaggerating, but you know what I mean!

For meditation try this link


Yea for martial arts. I just read that martial arts studios are basically 'Buddism for Westerners.'

Ohh yes, write down my sentence for your pocket, or on your hand, or on postit notes all over the house. :It sounds like your in charge!- heartbreaking, but yeah, that was our house too. Not average. Excellent observation about 'too far one way.' The book I got this from is 'Transforming the Difficult Child Workbook' by Howard Glasser and Lisa Bravo. They think it's about ADHD, but I think it's about our Intense Gifties. LOL again!

I like your 'tone light and neutral' - just like Caesar Milan. Hey, can I be the 'gifted kid whisperer?'

Keep me posted!
Love and More Love, (because that's what it takes)

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