Thanks, DeeDee, I scheduled an appt. with DD's pediatrician for his first available spot, Feb 1st. That gives me time to do my homework. How would I activate a school district evaluation, just call?

DD's issues show up on this list of sensory processing problems:

Judging by this, I'd say our DD has a problem with proprioception, especially. I thnk I might print this list and use it as a basis for my conversation with DD's ped.

I see there is current discussion about autism spectrum disorders having some sensory subtypes.

J Autism Dev Disord. 2010 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print]

Brief Report: Further Evidence of Sensory Subtypes in Autism.
Lane AE, Dennis SJ, Geraghty ME.

Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Medical Professions, The Ohio State University, 406C Atwell Hall, 453 West 10th Avenue, Columbus, OH, 43210, USA,

Distinct sensory processing (SP) subtypes in autism have been reported previously. This study sought to replicate the previous findings in an independent sample of thirty children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Model-based cluster analysis of parent-reported sensory functioning (measured using the Short Sensory Profile) confirmed the triad of sensory subtypes reported earlier. Subtypes were differentiated from each other based on degree of SP dysfunction, taste/smell sensitivity and vestibular/proprioceptive processing. Further elucidation of two of the subtypes was also achieved in this study. Children with a primary pattern of sensory-based inattention could be further described as sensory seekers or non-seekers. Children with a primary pattern of vestibular/proprioceptive dysfunction were also differentiated on movement and tactile sensitivity.