I really appreciate everyone's input. It helps to have different perspectives.

I purposely spent a few days away from the board, reading, reading, reading, observing DD a little differently, and discussing everything with DH. The one thing we think, so far, is that DD's interpersonal skills lean her away from Asperger's. She's quite perceptive of other people's thoughts and feelings already. However, it's helpful to know, DeeDee, that there are special difficulties in diagnosing girls with Asperger's. We are certainly not able to diagnose her ourselves.

I'm also pausing (deep breath) so I can muster my energy before knocking on our ped's door to pitch my concern.

The OT route sounds good... I am a fan of OT. But at what point would it be indicated to seek additional testing from a developmental psychologist? I'd like to have that plan in place before agreeing to an intervention. In general, I'm not one to treat the symptoms before accurately diagnosing the problem.

As for toe walking, the cancer work-up was for leg pain that has been one-sided and lasted more than a year. Not growing pains, apparently, so could be an osteo sarcoma, lymphoma, or juvenile arthritis (she also has rashes). We await the blood work, but no malignancy was found on xray. What they did determine was that DD has a leg length discrepancy of 4 mm. Apparently adults with leg length discrepancies typically have one leg 4 mm longer than the other, but DD is only 42 inches tall. This could be the reason for her toe walking.

However, if someone could tell us why she uses her feet as a second pair of hands... and steps on absolutely everything, or sits and uses her feet to touch everything... we could have a diagnosis. wink

Again, many thanks for your insights.

Twinkletoes - did it go well on Tuesday?

Last edited by seablue; 12/09/10 03:05 AM. Reason: diction