Thanks so much for talking me down. Also, I'm glad I'm not alone with the separation anxiety! It is sooo bad here, I'm in the same boat - I'm RARELY alone in the bathroom for that reason!

I think the toys in there are just not ones she would choose, with the exception of the days when they play with blocks. She loves blocks, babies and computers. I know they have babies there, but no accessories. She likes to change their diapers, cook eggs for them and feed then, but them in the crib with a blanket, etc. They just have naked babies. She isn't allowed to play on the computer at school yet, but as soon as she gets a hang of the left-click only thing, I am going to try to push for it.

Thanks again. Being a first time mom to an UN-textbook baby, i have to let go of what other kids are doing and what my expectations were.