Originally Posted by AlexsMom
I feel like it's still too early in the year, unless I want to change something up for this year - and I hate to rock a boat that's mostly-stable, even if it's not ideal. And for next year, DD moves fast enough that I hate to ask now for something that later turns out to have been too little, and feel like everyone had gone to such effort to accommodate that that I oughtn't ask for more, IYKWIM.
I do see what you mean, and if you had an adversarial school I'd agree - but since you have a good teacher and a good principal, I'd be include to trust them, and tell them just what you've told us: that it's sort-of-OK at the moment but with problems that will probably get worse, and that you're concerned partly about right now but more about what on earth is right for next year. Even if you had a short meeting that did nothing except have people agree "we'll think about it, and we'll meet again later in the year" you've directed attention to the fact that there's a problem to be solved.

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