Originally Posted by AlexsMom
There's a secondary question - how do I convince her of how out-there her abilities actually are, and simultaneously convince her to keep her mouth shut about them around her classmates? (I went on a field trip with her earlier this month. OMG, she offered up unsolicited "I skipped 2nd grade" about 3 times during the day.)
Isn't that the million dollar question? Your dd certianly doesn't sound like she is having fun, does she?

I think having testing done - and not just by any old 'I've tested plenty of gifted kids' tester - is likely to give you more of a feel for
a) how to relate to her LOG
b) how to find a 'least-worst option,'
c) is she actually suffering or just going through the normal ups and downs of life in dramatic fashion.

((I'm not convinsed that an additional skip wouldn't ease both the social AND the academic problems, with the idea that you can always creativly decelerate later when 'neatness counts.'

BTW - getting together with other 'similar' kids seemed to help my son accept himself. If you aren't already in YSP, maybe the test scores would open up that and other social opportunities, yes?

Best Wishes,

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