Originally Posted by 2ppaamm
[And that's what they are suggesting right now, to ship him off to a special school where there's no provision for his giftedness. I think the situation will only worsen as he'll either go to sleep, or find something really creative, like a riot. He's done it before when he was really bored. Stand on the chair to lead a protest.

Yup - that isn't AS - that's PG! DS, at 8, organized a sit down strike on the playground of a summer program that he felt cheated of learning by. It's so embarassing to me. Yet now that DS has learned to 'be cool' and not expect anything of school, how I wish for those earlier times! Maybe the current placement will raise my son's expectations of what school will be.

I used to tell the school - if idle hands are the devil's playground, than an idle mind must be a whole 6 Flags amusement park! No, that didn't actually work, we had to switch to a private school to get the gradeskip, and but he did get to keep it when we switched back to public. And we did reverse it this year when we figured out that high school grades are all about 'following directions' and DS really needed an extra year of maturity to even be able to figure out what the directions were.

It's all about flexibility. There is no magic answer sheet for our kids. It's just try and see, try something else and see, try not to overcorrect when something is actually working pretty well.

love and more love,

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