Hi NanRos and Grinity, thank you for the responses! Here are my answers to your questions.

1. No the school does not think he is highly gifted because his performance in school is not sterling. Sometimes, he will do extremely well, but on some days, he completely switches off and sleeps in class.

2. Yes, the gifted class is full-time. It is meant for those tested at 99 percentile.

3. Our private psychologist who tested him had worked with him for 9 months on his behavioral problems. We have put in some incentive program for him to behave in school. It was a smiley system, where he can earn smileys if he behaved. However, the school gave up two weeks into the program, saying it did not work. The school thought so because he was very angry that one smiley was taken away and retorted that he didn't care and that the smiley system won't work on him. However, I know that deep within him, he cared a lot about the smileys being removed. The school did not believe me. The psychologist who tested him did not believe he should go to the special school.

4. The school has not made any provision for him in case things get too much. I have asked that he be exempted from activities that will cause sensory overload, but the exemptions only comes when he had acted out. What provisions should I proactively ask for?

5. Noise is the main trigger when he was younger. Nevertheless, I notice no longer bothers him that much in recent months. However, I notice that he gets really angry when I repeat instructions to him. He will ask me to keep quiet and let him think. When he was doing the IQ test, he hit the ceiling for Arithmetic. In the last question, the psychologist wanted to repeat the question. He stopped her, and began singing and incorporated the answer in his 'song'.

6. He has his own ways of looking at things, and can find a solution to questions in an unusual way. He does not like people telling him how to think or solve anything their ways. He is not always right, but very often. He gets very irritated when teachers won't listen and impose their methods on him.

7. Could his processing speed be low because of his poor motor skills? He is clumsy and I am getting his vision checked. He appears to have binocular vision.

8. No, I did not manage to get an IEP for him thus far. That's why I got his IQ tested to see where he is.

9. My son loves school very much. He does not know that he disrupts the class when he asks too many questions, sleeps or rocks the chair. We notice that he behaves much better in a structured and quiet room, but only one teacher in the school is willing to offer that environment.

10. LOL! My son has no problem at all with his siblings and us. As I have five children, I have very little time for him (he is #4). He will read most of the day, and then prepare his own meals, he eats six meals a day. He plays with his younger brother, the piano, and sleeps. He does a bit of computer (an hour or so). When he argues in this house, he loses most of the time, the older teenagers will not let him have the last say. So he has learnt not to track an argument! Maybe because of that, he has brought his argumentative skills to the classroom?!

11. No, he has no therapy right now, because his asperger's is newly diagnosed. He compensated well when he was young. I am still not sure which therapy classes to enroll him in.

12. Maybe he is bored in class, because he is already doing Grade 9 work while the class he is in is at Grade 4.

Thank you very much for the encouragement!!! I did not think he was highly or profoundly gifted. Now I know to look in different directions!

Last edited by 2ppaamm; 11/08/10 05:04 PM.