Thanks for this thread. I have had very similar experiences in the work place. Though my issues were more around divergent thinking and an over developed sense of justice. I've been home with my daughter for the past couple of years and have been so grateful for the opportunity to just be myself. It has allowed me to reflect a lot what I could do differently when I do return to work and what I might just have to put up with. It's also given me the opportunity to understand that I don't to be liked by everyone, which in turn has made me less anxious about how I present. That in itself seems to have made a huge difference to how I am perceived and I think I am warmer and more personable as a result.

Next year dd goes to school and I will go back to work. I have to admit that while I am craving the stimulation or work, I am somewhat anxious about whether or not this new found understand will translate to the work place. I am sure much of it will, but I am going to make sure that I choose the role and the organisation carefully and will aim to look for like minded people.

Good luck. That fact that you're thinking about it is great. I don't know if it is possible to 'fix' the situation because so much of it is dependent on other people's interpretations, concerns etc, which you can't control. But I think through a combination of taking your own action and finding some level of acceptance re the reality that other people aren't likely to change, you can reach a kind of peace with it. That's what I have found anyway (though may stand corrected when I head back to work!!)

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke