Thanks for all of your responses! At the very least, it's comforting to know we're not alone in this. Wow! I've definitely pulled away some very interesting insights from your posts. (overexcitabilities, boredom, "they don't HAVE to focus as much of their energy on learning in order to do well, and have almost a compulsion to burn it off somehow." I've never thought about it that way before. All of your other thoughts and situations have definitely been helpful)

A couple more questions though...

1. Sitting in the chair does seem to work, but I'm worried that it's somehow stigmatizing. He doesn't seem to mind, but who knows how he's really feeling on the inside. I've tried to ask him, but he just brushes it off. I just don't want him to have an identity of the kid who can't sit still (sort of a self fulfilling prophecy).

2. Related to the situation above, I understand a teacher allowing a kid to read while walking around, and allowing to certain extent kids to squirm etc. (that's great!). But, what about times like circle time, when it's not academic, but simply a matter of listening to others, being respectful etc. I know he's four, and your right, it should be a learning process--but he could care less and therefore squirms about and is completely distracting to other kids who can sit and listen to others.

Thanks again!