Hi all! We're really at a loss, and not sure where to turn for help. Okay, here's the deal (I'll try to keep it brief). Our son is four and has been tested last yr. at an IQ of 152. He's been going to the same preschool for the past several yrs. They tell us that he has trouble focusing, sitting still etc. (nothing new, they told us this b/f which is why we had him evaluated in the first place) We suspect that it might be boredom, restlessness or simply four year old boy ants in the pants.

The psychologist who did his test ruled out ADHD or anything like that since his behavior is inconsistent. He certainly can and has demonstrated other situations an ability to focus pay attention etc.

BUT, now it's beginning to interfere (he doesn't sit still during circle time, lunch time etc). Although once a week at his science class they say he's fine.

We just had him evaluated for fine motor skills and during the ball pit exercise (he jumps in and picks out animals) they said he seemed to have issues w/over excitability when in the pit and on the swing. I was there; all I saw was an exuberant 4 yr. old who was having a good time in a ball pit (he threw some of the balls around and was saying "woo hoo, woo wee etc" Really, what else was he suppose to do?

Does anyone else have kids who have trouble sitting still in regular classrooms? Is there an issue here or is this characteristic of gifted kids? I'm so afraid of following through w/the rest of the evaluation (by the school district) and having his behaviors misinterpreted, diagnosed etc. But we also don't know how to sort this all out.

My husband says not to worry, he'll be fine. But meanwhile, he has to sit in a chair during circle time while the other kids sit on the floor b/c it's the only way he stays still. (it's not done in a punitive way, just a way that keeps him contained)

Thanks for reading this long post--any insights would be greatly appreciated!!