Hi bbq797!

I can relate to your post. My dd (now 6) had a terrible time sitting still in preschool.

It seems like there were two main reasons:

1. Overexcitabilities: She had so much energy coursing through her. She would have visible reactions to things others would consider mundane. "The Letter A!!" "The number 7!!" All were worthy of a kick of the leg or a roll around on the floor. She loved numbers and letters as if they were her friends.

2. Boredom: While she did have a great love for numbers and letters, she didn't really want to spend a lot of time hearing about them. She already knew. She entered pre-school at 3 already doing computation in her head and reading fluently (much to her teacher's chagrin). It turned out the school wasn't a good fit for her. She was just too "out there" for them. We switched her to a private, gifted school in the middle of the year and found she fit in much better there. A friend used to joke that when the kids streamed into the 3-year-old room at the gifted school, they were like pinballs bouncing off of each other. They all had that kind of energy. The school moved at a much faster pace and, ironically, had less of an emphasis on "academics."

I remember being so stressed at the time, but much of it is now gone. Still, last year, I was in the kindergarten classroom one day watching her squirm so much she fell off her chair. But then she simply picked herself off the floor and kept working. The teacher, who was only 3 feet away, never even paused.

I think she's calmed down even more now in First Grade. Challenging her brain helps. And having teachers who don't expect every child to sit stock still at all times. Most of these kids just don't.

Do you think your ds's school is a good fit for him? What about the teachers?