Originally Posted by bbq797
I can't believer teachers turned the class against your son--ugh...that's sounds awful! How is your son now?
It turns out that the very next year my son got his best teacher ever - she totally 'got' him and he had ZERO behavior problems in her class. It was such a blessing. My son is 14 now and 6 feet tall, and totally delicious in public. In private he's a kid - amazingly caring and generous and insightful one minute and 'don't bother me, I'm playing my game' the next. He's in a great school situation (knock cyber wood) - but it was SO much work and worry to get thim this way - and so painful to watch him totally belive that 'there is something wrong with me' - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Was there permanent damage? If I had a time machine, perhaps I could wipe out some of the cynicism, and high need for privacy - or delay it a few years. But now I'm starting to see it as his Karmic journey, so maybe not.

If your son likes school, has friends, AND is willing to try things that aren't instantly successful - then you can keep him there a bit more. I wouldn't let the teacher's off the hook because it's preschool as preschool is the easiest to differentiate. Sit down with them and brainstorm how to increase the challenge level.

Best Wishes,

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