Originally Posted by talwar.natasha
Last week, I saw the words "Jeg er en h�lvetes faen" written on his schol bag. It literally means "I am a hellish devil", except that h�lvetes faen ("hellish devil") is just about the nastiest word you can come up with in the Norsk language.

It was faded, so obviously, someone tried to erase it. When I asked my son about it, he said it was just the school prankster and it was nothing serious. As a mother, it was sort of obvious to me that he wasn't being truthful. But even if it was just the prankster, I still thought it was very serious and duly called up the principal who said that he'd "look into it".
So I've stopped sending him to school for the moment and I'm looking into homeschooling as an alternative.

Go talwar.natasha for trusting your 'Mom-Gut' and reporting the writing. ((hugs))

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