Originally Posted by Raddy
(My son was bullied see earlier posts - and when it all came to a head and it was a sorry tale it was amazing how many other parents knew and we didn't. One had even complained to his teacher about bullying we knew nothing about)

Raddy - thanks for sharing. ((hugs)) It is shocking and amazing.
I found that my son at age 13 started to really feel the need to 'grow up and keep it all inside' even though I don't think that any bullying or unusually bad things were going on. Some of this is developmentally appropriate, but boy-oh-boy it drives us Moms crazy!!!

If you can find a young adult male to mentor chess, or a sport, or some other interest, that relationship might grow into a good support. For our family, our son wanted to go away to boarding school, and I thought that it was better to let him experience some independence than to have him at home trying to 'fight off' parental influence, so off he went this September.

I think that every child deserves to be around people who cherish them. If you thought totally 'outside the box' about how that could be for your son - what would you come up with?

In our case, it was helpful to have a pediatrician, and a psychologist tell us 'ok this is the normal teen behavior' and not depression or a clinical level of anxiety. Is there anyone you can trust to help guide you?

Love and More Love,

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