Gosh thats painful. I was one of those kids, I was bullied from 1st grade on through high school. Every day started with anxiety waking up just thinking about going to school. I remember vividly telling my mother that I was a 2nd class citizen, definatly below anyone else living. I really believed it to be true, and was floored when she told me otherwise.

I think people who are bullied start to believe that its their fault its happening to them. Somehow they *obviously* brought it on themselves because of course, why else would they be singled out of the crowd.

The greatest thing of course being psychological counceling. Help him open up and find coping skills.

Inside the environment, I would think the best thing to prevent further bullying, would be hanging around other friends. A child is less likely to be singled out if they are with others.

Also, if this were my child, I would press charges. Teens are capable of anything and some parents cannot be counted on to teach them accountability for their actions.

The impossible is just something that hasn't happened yet.