Originally Posted by Nautigal
We have an IEP/ALP for DS8 which includes all his GT things as well as his (Special Ed) social skills things for Asperger's. We're in Colorado, where I think they are required to specify in both directions.

It sounds like you have a good list there, providing the school will lay it down in writing like the developmental ped wants it.

With cystic fibrosis and Asperger's as well as being gifted, I can fully understand both anxiety and depression issues! That would be just about enough for anybody's plate. I wish you luck with the school!

I think the norm here is to do two seperate plans, though I plan to push for an all inclusive. It just makes more sense to me since the TAG teacher will have to be involved in the IEP anyway. Thank you for the good wishes, every little bit helps!
