My 12-year-old is enjoying his one day a week co-op writing composition class, everything except for the pages of grammar worksheets that have to be finished by a deadline, something that he is not used to but I know is very good for him.

He got A+ on the first two papers he wrote. The teacher wrote notes about the things she really liked in his writing. He is becoming more confident about adding humor in his writing because she is encouraging this.

I don't think the last paper he wrote will get an A because he waited until the last possible moment to write it. Since he managed to write the first two papers quickly and did so well, he thought he could do it again, but this time at the last minute he had a bad headache. He does not write as well when he is in pain. It sucks the humor right out of him except for the sarcastic kind. He is still learning to work through the pain.

He doesn't particularly like his state history class. He thinks our state is boring. He knows much more about Japan and its culture than his own state.

He reads for hours in bed every night on his iPad. He always keeps up with the latest news. He always reads the latest science and technology articles, but also keeps up with the latest popular music and things his sister likes to talk about.

He continues to do well in piano and the musical theater group he has been in since age 4 and he has so much fun in this. He gets a lot of positive feedback for his ability with improv and his sense of humor.