We are having a great time. We don't follow the school year here as such (which starts in Feb), except for activities we do that run for a school term. DS (who is 6) has just started to show a strong interest in school-y type resources (we are unschoolers), so I've been providing him with lots of those. I sent him the link to the Khan Academy and he is loving it. I wasn't sure if it would hold his attention but he can't get enough.
Next term he will be going to a pilot program at a small independent school which will eventually run one day a week. They will run workshops for homeschooled children with a dedicated teacher (DS's old art teacher who is wonderful). Essentially we are using it as a babysitting/social opportunity for our boys.
DS is also going to start circus classes and is going to a 3 day day camp at the circus school next week (holidays). He is very very excited.
Right now I'm trying to remember to go with his flow. He has days of intensive maths learning, days where he just needs to be outside, days where he lies around and reads or crafts (like today, he has a cold)and days where he just needs to play with his friends. I'm also finding that at different times of the day he is more receptive t different kinds of learning. Maths is definitely a late night activity and writing and drawing happen best in the morning.