It's a fantastic start for us. There was a bit of a bump at the beginning but someone with more experience than me, chalked it up to 'beginning of the year excitement being over'. We're in a nice groove now. It is exhausting though. I'm sleeping quite well these days, until I'm up at 3:00 worrying about curriculum! I'm enjoying the planning and layers of enrichment and DS's anxiety is very low and he's developing a nice work ethic. It's wonderful to watch. I started Spanish and Latin, to see which he would like better. He loves both of them! He retains SO MUCH!! I think we hit his readiness level in most areas, so I've started introducing different problem solving activities to work on anxiety and rigidity issues. He's entering into the end of SM and I've been watching to see how much he understands the more complex problems. I just thought 'this will be interesting'. Wow. He gets it. I look at something and think this may be to much and then have to step out of the room, because it's a little disconcerting to see how much he grasps it. I'm glad everyone is doing so well here and thanks for your updates-