Started to post and my computer when wackado! Trying again. I'm sure there are some great books for kids, I just don't have any. We started our son with kids yoga once a week at age 5. His school actually did it! Yoga for kids is a great way to start meditation. Moving meditation seems to be less of a strain on the mind that just sitting. Then we would sit facing each other cross leg and breath for 5 minutes.

Now he's 7 and we just started taking him once a month to a meditation group with us. He loved it! He sat in between us on a cushion and meditated for 20 minutes. Of course he wasn't completely still. He held our hand alternately, winked at me, moved his legs ect. But he did it. And he then sat through the next hour of a reading and discussion on meditation practice. Sounds like torture only when we left, he said, "I like that place, can we go back?"

The whole family was calmer the entire next week!!!

A few books that helped me along my path... Nothing Special by Charlotte Joko Beck, Everyday Zen also by Beck, The Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet.

Enjoy your journey smile