Originally Posted by Min
I'm a bit, well, confused, I guess. Absolutely every single parent or grandparent of a toddler I have run into talks about how amazing their child is and how they know all their letters, numbers, colors, or whatever. Every. Single. One. �It may be that because I keep my mouth shut and don't share anything, I end up hearing more. I have absolutely no desire to join ranks of declarations on the details of what my children can know or do, but I am honestly baffled, wondering why I am so constantly bombarded with stories of 'brilliance.' I can't believe that we have a coming generation of brilliant people coming in. What can I be seeing?�
Maybe because half of the daytime cartoons are educational and teach letters and numbers. �Before it was just sesame street and the electric company and you had to go out of your way for educational programming. �Now if you just leave the cartoons on all day they'll teach them letters, shapes, sequencing, and reading, and introduce Spanish and Chinese. �LoL. �It is kind of amazing to see a kid learning things you're not teaching them. �Maybe they are impressed. �And if the kid gets on the computer, forget it. �
Oh and I'm so guilty I do just tell stories about my kid all the time. �But I spend all day here and my whole life revolves around him at this time so that's all the stories I have to tell at the moment. �Yeah, I don't get out much. �And never without the kid. �Thankfully my friends and family understands and are interested.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar