I'm a bit, well, confused, I guess. Absolutely every single parent or grandparent of a toddler I have run into talks about how amazing their child is and how they know all their letters, numbers, colors, or whatever. Every. Single. One. It may be that because I keep my mouth shut and don't share anything, I end up hearing more. I have absolutely no desire to join ranks of declarations on the details of what my children can know or do, but I am honestly baffled, wondering why I am so constantly bombarded with stories of 'brilliance'. (I understand it on gifted boards, these are entirely a different circumstance.) I can't believe that we have a coming generation of brilliant people coming in. What can I be seeing?

When my older kids were toddlers, it didn't occur to me to go out of my way to teach them these things, but they learned anyways. I do know that now it is the norm to teach them younger.

I have been wondering whether the rest of you are seeing a similar trend, and what you think of it.

Sorry I haven't had time to make this query more coherent. I'm on the run, as usual, but this has been bothering me, especially after hearing the same thing from yet two more places, yesterday.