I love the way my husband explained to my son that he had a learning disability.

"Not everyone learns the same way, and not everyone's brain is wired the same way. And for us (he's pretty sure he had the same issues as a child), different parts of our brain are used to do tasks than in other people's brains. And the cool part is that it means that our brains are also wired to do some really cool stuff, too. But the bummer part is that some things that are easy for some other people is harder for us, so we just have to work harder on those things to figure out how our brain will do that job."

We've tried to keep it very matter of fact that he had a learning disability, but we've also tried to reinforce that it didn't make him different in a lacking sort of way but in a unique sort of way.

If there is any way to have a gentle conversation and help redirect the information to making him realize he can still fit in and be "normal", he may not fight so hard against accepting the news. I know as a mom you must be terribly frustrated with maneuvering through this news; hang in there.