Yes, I have been kind of torturing myself about the options for school all summer as well.

We have decided to leave him in his Montessori school, where he has been since he was 3.5 years old. The program works in three year blocks (3-6 years, 6-9 years and 9-12 years). He completed grade 4 last year (the first year of the 9-12 block) and it did not go well. Part of it might have been the change to a new teacher. The curriculum is more structured in 9-12 and there is more "required work". I think DS spent a large amount of time in his 6-9 class reading novels in the corner and this isn't allowed in the 9-12 class (maybe for the best). I also think his difficulties in math and organization are catching up to him. His current teacher places a large emphasis on organization and rule following (not his stong points). She is a very dedicated, professional teacher, though, and I am hoping that we can work together to make this year better. I do get the feeling that she doesn't really appreciate what makes DS special the way his previous teachers did.

The downside of Montessori for someone like DS is the lack of structure and routine. I'm hoping to get an agreement from his teacher that she will help him use his agenda daily as a "road map" so he knows exactly what he needs to do when. I am also planning a once a week tutor to make sure he is learning what he needs to know in grade 5. He is pretty good at avoiding work that he doesn't want to do.

Our only other option is regular public school. Our neighbourhood school is a bit rough and *not* a good choice for DS. We thought of other public schools, but location is also a problem. There are no gifted or gifted/LD classes in our school system.

His first language is French, and will continue school in French until at least the end of highschool.

Suggestions welcome!