Originally Posted by Verona
Afterwards my son said that the man was lying and that he (DS) is just as average and normal as everybody else. He also said that he probably says to anyone who is a bit above average that they are gifted so that he can make more money.

OMG Verona! My heart goes out to you. That is quite a painful spread your son has going there - and I don't doubt that he is confused.

Questions -
1) Is his school a pretty 'above average' crowd? If so, he may be average 'in that environment.'
2) Was complete achievement testing done? That's going to help you see if he is functioning closer to his highs or his lows.
3) Any ADD/ADHD in his behavior or the extended family?

I have a lot more to say about how to manage the emotional aspects of this but I have to run. Do a search on 'nurtured' and read some of my previous threads on 'nurtured heart approach' or the book 'transforming the difficult child.'

You may want to post all the scores and ask Dottie for some comments.
My son is similar in Verbal and Processing speed, but more 130ish in the working memory and non-verbal, and he had a heck of a time at that age. He called himself 'dumb' too and it broke my heart.

You know after this sort of set back, if my son already had a working knowledge of the bell curve, I would be sorely tempted to draw one and make little stars showing how he measured on the 4 subscales. Or if he has a lot of scatter in within the subscales then I'd put data points for all the subtests. He has a lot to live with. Don't do it yet, just think about doing it. I always found that after mess ups, full disclosure was the best route.

Love and More Love,

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