Thanks to all of you for the posts. I�m glad I found this forum.

I will try to talk more to my son, using a gentler more thoughtful approach. You have all given me some great ideas. I think I�ll give him a few days though . . . He is very self-critical and sensitive and can really shut down when I try to talk to him about anything that he perceives as �criticism�. I think really that�s why I took him to the psychologist � I thought he might be more receptive to a professional, and I mistakenly also thought that someone who works with children daily would have the right tools and language. I also worry that DS is becoming depressed � he is very low key much of the time and doesn�t talk much � and thought that a professional might be able to get him to talk about how he feels. One side of DS is insightful, vulnerable and thoughtful; his �outside� can be impulsive, irritating and lacking in empathy.

BTW, I am in Canada (Quebec) and DS goes to school in French.